Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thank goodness for cooler days!

I am so glad that it isn't beastly hot today.  Everyone wants to go out to the camper and I told them that I was not going to go if it was really super hot.  I really do not want to go in 100 + degree weather and all of us sit in a box, although a nice box, of a camper with the a/c on full blast.  Now it is almost 2pm and for the most part has been overcast and I napped all morning on the couch.  To go or not go.  Maybe they will go and leave mommy at home to finish homework and napping?  Yea, probably not.

I am very computer challenged but PenPen has responded to me and I thank her greatly.  Yes I would love to have your guideline book that you spoke about.  If you still can't get my email address let me know.  I have my EGD next Friday so then the only thing I will have left to do is the Nutritional class, and my Psych. eval.  Besides the last minute blood work.  Oh and my pap/mammo has to be updated but that was due anyway so no biggie.

My insurance does not require the 6 months worth of nutrition classes.  Not to say that won't change in the future but for now we are good to go on that score.  I have opted to continue with the Pychiatrist post surgery, if we get along that is, as another tool to help me.  I think I said it before if I can't fix the head part of it then what makes me think that everything else will be okay?  I know everyone has issues, but it is truly time to figure mine out and be done with them.  I not only want to put them in a box never to be played with again but in a box and burned. 

I had a dream last night that my niece was on her way to her mom's house to visit, which she really is, but she stopped by here first and her first words were, "Oh My Gosh!, You look wonderful!  How much have you lost"?  I have no idea why I dreamed that but I liked it.  Even though I am scared out of my ever lovin mind I am excited to get on with it. 

Should I get a before picture now?  Or wait til the day of surgery?  My blog photo grosses me out.  I didn't realize how awful I look....okay, not going down that road again.  I'm on my way to fixin' it. 

Have a great day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Judy! I just sent you the guidebook. Oh and I'm not computer savy! lol

    Take a picture of yourself and if you don't like it, you don't have to post it but then you have it to compare the new skinny you to. I don't like my photos right now either but that's okay because I will in the future and then I will want to show off how much I have changed.

    Oh and a quick tip! Take your measurements now. You will regret it later when you are in a stall and need to know how many inches you've lost.
